Monday 26 March 2007


It's all over and I'm back home.

After Rob and Dan left in their fun-bus, I got up and finished packing adding the last few random bits of junk to my bags.

Thanks to the delicious roast beef that Dan cooked previously, I had the opportunity to make beef and horseradish sarnies washed down with Jimmy James' coke. Cheers fellas.

It was rather depressing waiting around in the hostel, so I went for a walk and took a few last photos of Rossland and then made a desperate attempt to spend more money in Ross Vegas but failed.

Then my journey began. First a shuttle bus to Trail 'airport' with a driver coming down with the same Man 'Flu I have. I arrived at the 'airport' to find it was in fact a portacabin:

Trail airport terminal

The plane was so small, I had to bend at the waist to walk down the aisle. There were 20 seats and not enough room to swing a cat, let alone a tiger. I could have touched both sides of the fuselage by stretching out both hands. Still, I was treated to one of the smoothest landings ever which was balanced nicely by the shuttle to the terminal, driven it seems by Carlos Sainz.

A very boring flight might have been alleviated by the prospect of watching the fountain, but the French twat sat in front of me saw to that. As soon as the plane started taxi-ing he cranked the chair right back so that the screen was 2.5" from my face. Why do they even bother making the things recline if it makes the space behind uninhabitable? Next time remind me to get the seat by the bulkhead. Still, at least I had 4 episodes of BSG to see me through the flight. Thank the gods for PSP.

Back on terra firma, I had another chance to enjoy an extra hour in the airplane thanks to the inability of ground crew to organise a set of stairs or a bus to coincide with the scheduled and on-time arrival of a 9 hour flight. That little debacle made the throwers seem positively organised. Apparently, throwing the snowboards and skis into the middle of the reclaim hall is all they can manage. No signs, no announcements.

Anyway, I'm back home with 2 months worth of Top Gear, Evo Magazine and CSI to keep me company when I wake up at 4am. I also had the last episode of the trap to enjoy, one of the most interesting programmes I've seen in ages.

And now, after 2 months of 6 litre automatics with rudders instead of steering I'm going to waste some petrol and rubber in a proper car.

That's all folks.

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